Mobile: 07813 824763
Email: fw_orfg@ubgznvy.pbz
Hon Secretary of Coventry Badminton Assocation
Telephone: 024 7646 7991
Mobile: 07971 800439
Email: ygnlybe@uvgrk.pb.hx
Mobile: 07891 775409
Email: ybhvfr.onlagba@ubgznvy.pb.hx
Mobile: 07484 216383
Email: anguna.c.frkgba56@tznvy.pbz
Mobile: 07572 296088
Email: rzvyl.gnlybe123.59@tznvy.pbz
Team Selection Committee: Louise Baynton, Mark Lawrence, Nathan Sexton
If you are interested in joining the committee, please speak to an existing committee member and attend the next AGM where you can become involved in the running of the club. We appreciate your support