Our venue for both Wednesdays and Fridays is a large multi-purpose sports hall containing 4 courts. The posts are provided by and shared with Heart of England School, but all other equipment such as nets are owned by the club.
There is a water cooler/fountain located in the corridors to the left as you exit the sports hall via the main door. There are modern changing rooms, showers and toilet facilities available.
The floor is a traditional sports hall vinyl which is suitable for most sports including badminton. Unfortunately, the hall is used for other sports such as five-a-side football and as such, sometimes dust and dirt can make the floor a little slippy. We try to sweep the courts before all matches. The school re-coat the floor once per year to provide a fresh surface for better grip and durability.
The lights were replaced around 2014 with brighter bulbs which are now located in strips mostly outside of the badminton courts which has been a great improvement.
Balsall Common Badminton Club play at Heart of England School Sports Centre located on Gypsy Lane in Balsall Common. The school is easy to find, being located alongside the A452 (Kenilworth Road) close to the White Horse pub. The entrance to the main school is located at the bottom of Gypsy lane, with the Sports Centre entrance located 20 yards further up Gypsy Lane.
There are usually about 15 spaces in the Sports Centre car park right outside the Sports Centre entrance, but further parking is available in the main school car park, or on Gypsy lane itself, although please be respectful of the resident's driveways.
Occasionally, the sports centre doors are locked and must be opened by someone from inside. There is a buzzer along the wall, please press it and be patient as it takes a little while for a player to come out of the sports centre to the reception area to press the door release button.