
Recent News

Season over - summer club at Finham Park 2 for May and June - £7.50 per session

  25th April 2024 By Steve Best

Season is now over! Summer club for May & June - we are temporarily down to one club night per week only on Fridays 7-10 @ Finham Park 2, Torrington Avenue - as our usual school sports hall is closed for exams - it's £7.50 per session for all, please pay into the BCBC bank account. Please try to come along to support the club and make the most of the more expensive courts, it's a nice venue! Read More →

Christmas Party 2023

  22nd September 2023 By Steve Best

The BCBC Christmas meal this year is at The George In The Tree on Saturday 2nd December. Please confirm to Louise Lawrence (Taylor) ASAP to book your space(s) Read More →

AGM 2023

  1st May 2023 By Steve Best

BCBC AGM is open to all members - Monday 15th May 2023 - please attend or send your apologies in advance Read More →

AGM 2022

  23rd June 2022 By Steve Best

With the season over, it's time for another AGM! Come and join us at the pub, enjoy a pleasant evening out with little to no arguing :) Please attend so you can vote on any proposals and have your say! Read More →

AGM 2021

  4th October 2021 By Steve Best

We are meeting at the George in the tree pub at 7:30pm for our AGM Read More →